Tell Vice President Kamala Harris: Not another Bomb!

In order to achieve a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, secure the safe return of hostages, end the occupation, and prevent escalation of the conflict into a catastrophic regional war, we need to end the flow of U.S. taxpayer dollars and U.S. weapons being used by the Israeli military to commit war crimes against Palestinian civilians.

At this moment, Vice President Kamala Harris also has an opportunity to help stop the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and turn the page on the Biden/Harris administration’s disastrous policy on Gaza.

Sign the petition and join us in telling Vice President Kamala Harris: Not another bomb! Pledge to lead in this moment and help us move toward a lasting peace for all people in the region.

(After signing, click here to join the Not Another Bomb mass call this Wednesday, August 14 at 6:00 PM ET to learn how you can fight for a permanent ceasefire, a weapons embargo, and the end to U.S. military funding to Israel.)

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